The second treatment

 I arrived at Whiston Hospital at 9.30am and bought myself a large Costa hot chocolate. I have come prepared! 
My friend sat with me for about an hour whilst I got settled and the treatment began. 

I had been warned that I may have a reaction to the Rituximab but luckily I didn't. The nurses are so nice!
I was given a menu card, very impressed, and the food I got later was fine. 

I was the last patient left in the treatment lounge and then the wig man came. The wig was amazing! He fitted it on me and it looked virtually the same as my new hair cut. It was hard to fit, with me still having hair and I told him I wouldn't get it cut off next week, but that it was driving me mad. 

He offered to do it there and then, so I told him to go ahead. Once done, he fitted the wig properly then he finished it off by cutting it more to suit me. It looks great and feels fine at the moment. I am NOT looking at my bald head in a mirror! Not yet anyway. 

It feels strange, more like a hat that is above my ears, that will take time to get used to. 

I've decided not to tell anyone until I go home and see their reaction. They are not expecting me to be wearing it until next week!

I had a bit of a surprise at five minutes to midnight. I was woken up and given my first cytarabine treatment!  Three hours attached to a drip and having to go to the loo every hour as they were pumping the liquid into me! Fortunately, once it finished at 3am I managed to get some sleep!


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