Eighteen months

I returned from Belgium on the Monday and my appointment with the consultant was on the Friday, July 20th. According to the stats the consultant quoted to me at our first meeting, I should be dead by now - I'm definitely NOT!!!!

I really couldn't have had a more stressful week, I had a terrible time at school and resigned three posts in disgust. I have definitely made up my mind to finish completely this time next year. I'm only staying that long to give them time to replace me and for continuity.  

My face erupted with the stress, this is what happens to me now, but at least it's a warning that's visible! 

Consequently, what with all that AND the insect bite treatment, I was dreading my bloods being done. Naturally, the lymphocytes were slightly raised again, but at least I had an excuse. I told him about the steroids, I had only stopped them the day before, so he told me not to worry. He did think that the MCL might be in my blood though, but it didn't seem to worry him. I think he knows me now, as he laughed when he said that he supposed I don't want treament yet, as he knew my answer would be no! 

The thing is, there aren't any opportunities yet for the treatment that he wants me to have. I think once one does come up he will let me know. He was quite happy not to see me until December, so I was thrilled when I left - more trips to organise! I always wait for each appointment before I book anything, as I really don't want to tempt fate!  It's been so good to me up to now!

Incidentally, after every three month appointment I am contacted by the nurse in charge of the lymphoma trial at the city hospital, just see see how I'm getting on.

It's going to be our annual trip to Austria at the begining of September and then at the end we will go to southern Ireland for a long weekend.


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