The agony!

On the Tuesday, I went for my blood test, back to the suite on the ward where I had the rituximab. 

I have never had a problem in giving blood, but on this occasion the phlebotomist said she couldn't get blood out of my right arm. 
She then moved down to my wrist, near to my thumb. As she inserted the needle I had a shooting pain down to my index and middle fingers. It was like an electric shock and I don't know how I didn't jump off the chair! I have never experienced pain like it and she immediately apologised but carried on and took the three phials of blood out. 

Even afterwards, my hand was sore and and tingling, depending which way I moved it. Fortunately I had been dropped off at the hospital, so I didn't have to drive home. 

I was told that they would check my platelet level and let me know if I needed a transfusion the next day. 

I went home and later that day when I was babysitting I got a phone call from the hospital. They wanted me back there for a transfusion as my platelets were only 7! I asked it it was ok to go back in the morning, as I couldn't leave the little one. They said I could but that o must go to A&E if I bruised myself. 


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