Was this it?

We left the UK at the end of February, and without going through the whole story, three of us got E.Coli on the first day! The only one who escaped it was the GP!

Because I had changed the itinerary to make it more of a holiday, my routine was completely different in that I had lunch with the others. This was fatal - nearly - as my friend and I fell victim after eating salad. We were in a top class hotel, so it really shouldn't have happened.
As I was sharing a room with my son, he fell ill the following day. It only lasted about 24hrs but it left us three very weak. I was really glad that I had factored in four free days to chill out at the beginning of the trip, because it was all archaeology after that.

In the end, I only had to cancel one site visit, as the journey would have killed us. A long way over bumpy roads is not the best thing after a bout of that! 

I never really got over it whilst I was there. I lost my appetite and really had to force myself to eat. I mainly lived on soup, a staple in the Egyptian diet and they are absolutely delicious, so I didn't feel too bad. The best thing that came out of the experience was that I lost over a stone in weight, the others did too, so I knew it wasn't the cancer.

The rest of the trip was brilliant and we had a wonderful time!

On my return home  I waited a few weeks, but I didn't put the weight back on so I was really pleased. I've had to buy a whole new wardrobe, it's great and a real boost to my confidence.


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