The crunch appointment!

January 12th 2018 was the day I returned to my consultant. Thank goodness my bloods were fine and my throat felt OK! I was asked the usual questions about how I was feeling and when I told him I felt absolutely fine, he was pleased. Plus, my throat looked considerably better.

He told me what to look out for, night sweats, sudden weight loss and feeling generally awful and I had to promise again that I would contact the hospital if I experienced any of these things - if they had no explanation. 
This is the deal you have to make with the consultant if they place you on Watch and Wait. It's up to the patient to be completely honest with themselves and admit it if there is something wrong.

He was happy for me to go on my annual Egypt trip, which was a great relief for me. This was to be a very special trip, as I was taking with me two dear friends (the GP and his wife) and my adult son. He came with me on my very first trip to Egypt in 2006, when he was at university and I hadn't begun to study Egyptology. I wanted this to be a trip to remember, as there is no chance of us ever doing it again! And my goodness, it certainly was!!!!


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