
Showing posts from December, 2016

How it started

I first noticed that I had a problem at Easter 2016.  I was given a Lindt chocolate ball and found that even though it was melted, I couldn't swallow it. It wouldn't go further than the back of my throat. I thought it was strange, but I thought it would pass over time.  Then my life became very stressful due our family business moving factory premises. I had a lot of work to do before it could be handed back to the landlord, so I decided it was a perfect time to make a concerted effort to lose weight. I weighed myself on the industrial scales and then set to work.  Over the following months I worked hard, too hard,  and I felt I had got run down. I came out in spots on my face, which took a while to heal, but then would return.  In June, our wonderful dog unexpectedly had to be put to sleep. We were all devastated, more than I had ever been before when I had lost a dog. Then, ten days later we went on holiday to Austria, where our brand new car broke do...

The beginning - but little did I know it!

In November 2011 I went to Jamaica with my husband for a holiday. I have been visiting the Caribbean for over twenty years and often been bitten by insects. However, on this occasion I had a very severe reaction. I was bitten four or five times and each one developed a large, watery blister and the area around it got very red with cellulitis. I had to see a doctor on site and was so concerned with his treatment that I saw my own GP on my return home to the UK. She told me he had over medicated me and advised me to be very careful when I got bitten again. Over the following years, whenever I was bitten I had the same reaction with some of the bites. It didn't matter where in the world I was, I even got bitten at home! The result of this was that I alway travel with a special medical kit. I found the best thing to do was to pop any blisters as soon as they appeared, clean and then medicate and dress them. I had found to my cost that if I let them grow they would become the size of ...